| Notice cleanliness of farm and herd. Are most of the nails trimmed, are there appropriate fans in hot weather, is there fresh water, are animals groomed somewhat? |
 | How often does the farm de-worm? |
 | What vaccinations are given? |
 | What are the goals of the farm's breeding program? Is there a breeding program? |
 | Is entire herd bred to one stud? Do they use outside breedings? |
 | Is this farm a "dealer"? Are they buying and selling animals or selling their own offspring. Do they have a full history on the animal? |
 | Do they hand breed or pasture breed? |
 | What do they feed and how much? What kind of hay? |
 | What kind of purchase guarantee does the farm have? Specifics spelled out in writing? |
 | What kind of birthing guarantee? |
 | If a female is purchased, is there a breeding offered or possibly a breeding back? |
 | How and when do they start training? |
 | Are crias weaned from their mothers or left with them until they wean naturally? |