The Perfect Barn     
.... decorated Martha Stewart style ....

A potpourri pomander hangs from each halter.    

The llama's toenails have been trimmed with pinking shears.
All llama treats and minerals are stored in Longaberger
baskets and McCoy crocks.
The manure shovel is decorated with raffia.

Each new decorated water bucket contains a floating, fresh lemon slice.

Carrot and apple treats are cut out with copper cookie cutters
and decorated with royal icing using a #2 rosette tip.
Wool is collected from the brushes and put into
hanging wire baskets for nexting material for the birds.
Seasonally appropriate grapevine wreaths adorn the front of each stalling area.
In cool weather, the crias all wear natural, hand-dyed, hand knitted
llama/alpaca wool blankets with matching neck and ear covers.

And ......................
    the Manure Pile is always sculpted
    into swans!!

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