The following disclaimer applies to the information, postings, services,
or products found on the Shagbark Ridge Llamas webserver.
Neither Jim or Marilyn Nenni nor Shagbark Ridge Llamas make any
representations with respect to the contents hereof and specifically
disclaim any implied or express warrants of merchantability or fitness
for any particular usage, application or purpose.
The information and material found on the Shagbark Ridge Llamas is
provided as a public service and designed for educational, sharing, and
entertainment purposes only. Neither Jim or Marilyn Nenni nor Shagbark
Ridge Llamas is engaged in providing veterinary medical services via
this communications medium. We cannot guarantee that the information
found here is current or accurate. No reader should rely on the information
in the web pages of Shagbark Ridge Llamas in lieu of consultation with
a veterinarian or other pet health care professionals. All camelid owners
should consult with their personal veterinarian before acting on any treatments!
If you cannot find what you are looking for, try Searching the Web or
visiting your local public library. Also visit some of the following links.
When you have concerns regarding your llama or alpacas,
ALWAYS consult your personal veterinarian.
Good Resources:
Llama Research Program of Ohio State Univ.
New England Camelid Services
Net Vet Veterinary Resources